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Thursday, August 31, 2006

What ever happened to the tsunami?

Ever since the media has existed the most recent and breaking news always pushes the other breaking news to the side and eventually knocks it completely off the block. With this philosophy in effect major incidents such as the tsunami and even the war in Iraq are barely even mentioned because a suspect has been apprehended in the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey or Diddy changing his name to Puff the Magic Dragon. Some news casters have started to make a turn to keep reminding us of problems that may have occured in the past but still affect hundreds or millions of lives.

Live long and prosper,
Alexander the Great

Clowns are EVIL!

I am absolutely certain that true evils resides behind the red ball noses of clowns. It may just be the fact that I saw Steven King's "IT" when I was little that forever torments me but I know there are others outside of myself that believe clowns possess a potential for absolute evil.

Live long and prosper,
Alexander the Great