Setting a New Course
"The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks."
This qoute is just one of the few provacative ideas posed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in Self Reliance which stirs many emotions and an infinite number of opinions about what he is trying to get to. First of all if you do not happen to understand what tacking with a boat means, for all of you landlovers out there, it is a turn but Emerson presents it in a different context. Are our lives not voyages as well? We begin early in our lives becoming aquainted with the waters of life becoming sea worth as one would say. When we finally reach an age of metal maturity we begin to head out into unknown waters, being asked to do things that we have never done before. We eventually get our bearings and set our sights for a goal or point in our life that we continue to work for so that our lives may have had some meaning. Most people head straight for this goal experincing the rough waters of humanity as well as the calm waters of success.
However, why should we stay on a steady course, why not take several detours. Instead of living a plain and boring life some people stray off of the beaten path and pursue something new and exciting. The world is full of limitless possibilities, why not take a chance and try some out?
Live long and prosper,
Alexander the Great
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